ÉTAP | The questionnaire, Evaluation of the trajectory autism for parents (ÉTAP)

Form to obtain ETAP


The questionnaire, Evaluation of the trajectory autism for parents (ETAP), was developed to:

1-  Provide a description of the service trajectory of families with a child who is suspected of having an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), an intellectual disability (ID) or a developmental delay (DD); or a child who has received one of these diagnoses.

2- Document the different steps taken during specific periods of service.

3-  Document the assessment (perceptions) by service users (families) of the quality of the service trajectory according to quality determinants deemed significant for them (established according to a research process in partnership with families).

The versions of ETAP

Three versions of ETAP exist to assess three pivotal phases in the early childhood services trajectory.

1- ETAP-1: the diagnostic trajectory that covers the period between the first diagnostic concerns and announcement of the diagnosis
2- ETAP-2: Transitional services version (following diagnosis and while waiting for early intervention services) and specialized early intervention services
3- ETAP-3: Transition to school version, for the transitional period between specialized early intervention services and kindergarten.

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